Friday, November 30, 2007

Piggy Tails

I didn't know. I didn't know there was a power to the pig tail. My hair is long enough now, for the first time in years, where I can wear it in pig tails. And holy heavens. Men of all ages and backgrounds are quivering. When they see me the only thing they can say is "Pig tails, heh heh heheh." Guys I barely know are coming up behind me and pulling them.

My friend told me. She said, "Oh yeah. Guys like the pig tails. You'll see."

And you know what?

She's right.

I never did know they had such power over men.


At 2:52 PM , Blogger Ellen said...

Pig tails like on the sides? Not a pony tail?

Mine is almost long enough too - I'll have to try it!



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