Friday, September 21, 2007


Oh. My. God.

I hate everyone. I just went out to snag a subway sandwich and everyone is driving like a fucking maniac. This son of a bitch zoomed right up my ass in the parking lot, tailgated me to the stop sign, and when I was waiting for the traffic to go by, he honked at me! I guess I was supposed to dart out and cut off the white sedan? So, when he pulled next to me into the turn lane, I rolled my window down and said, "Sir. I hope you have a very nice day." And he -- having perfected the snide dickhead tone over the many years he obviously spent in the frat house -- said, "I couldn't figure out what you were waiting for." Me? "I didn't want to get killed." Him: "Yeah. Right."

"Son of a bitch."

These people, I swear to God. I am so sick of motherfuckers driving up my ass. Like that's going to make me go faster. It almost always makes me go slower. With vengeance. What is the rush, people? You really really need to get back to work that fast?

Come fucking on.

And it's getting worse.

These fuckwit motherfucking cocksuckers are so fucking miserable. You can tell. It's dripping off their mustaches and sliming their SUV's.

Own your shit and change your life, you fucking son of a bitch.

You only have yourself to blame.


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