Saturday, August 25, 2007


This morning I woke up thinking about gluttony. Mostly because I engaged in it completely last night. I have been sick and haven't seemed to be getting any better yet. I have a stuffy head and a cough, but I don't feel terrible. It's one of those head-colds that could be allergies if there wasn't a fever involved. Nothing too terrible. Just enough to make me crabby and snap at people if they try to talk to me. Needless to say, I have missed two days of work.

Last night was Friday night. I had just received a box full of Denis Leary from Amazon and I just . . . well, I went for it. I put in the first disc of "The Job", which was a TV series from 2000/2001 that ran only one season. Denis Leary wrote it and starred in it and I had never heard of it, but bought it anyway because I'm such a fan.

I ordered a pizza -- that came wrong but I ate it anyway. What part of "burger" didn't she hear? Ham and black olive? Gross.

I opened a bottle of wine.

And I sat upstairs, blowing my nose, eating pizza and drinking wine and I watched the entire series front to back. It took seven hours. I was completely immersed in Denis Leary and it was fantastic.

Complete, indulgent, relaxing ecstasy.

What's wrong with wallowing in joy every once in a while? What's wrong with fulfilling your every want?

What's wrong with that?



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