Sunday, October 07, 2007

Continental Shift

Well, all that freaking out and packing paid off. I am in Christchurch, New Zealand, after an epic journey. I was routed through Sydney and it took 28 hours to get from door to door. By the time I was talking with my sister on the phone from the hotel, I had been up 38 hours and was starting to hallucinate. Magnificent.

I'm good now. Slept for 12 hours and had a nice long walk in the rain this morning after breakfast. It was so beautiful out. COLD and raining. I even bought a lovely tiny umbrella from the nicest women in the universe. I love this kind of weather . . . cold and rainy. I had breakfast at a groovy coffee shop place and wrote in my journal. I do so much better in this black-clothes, urban environment. I love it!

Now the sun is shining and I'm thinking of taking a nap. I received an email from a cute boy who might want to hook up after 8:00 tonight. We'll see if he does call round. I'm not holding my breath. He travels in packs and may be consumed.

Tomorrow I go over to the CDC to work. I should try to get a sandwich made from that bagel place to take for lunch. Give me a reason to leave the hotel for a minute. I may also walk over to the gardens . . . for beauty.

Anyway . . . I'm in New Zealand . . . where all shouldn't be, but is familiar. How did this happen? How did the inside of Sydney's international terminal and the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, ever become second homes to me? How did this happen without me noticing?

Space/Time travel is mind blowing.


At 2:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.


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