Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bending of Time

I have been spending my years in two chunks, the North America chuck and the Antarctica chunk. Back and forth for 10 years. And it is starting to make time bend in a really strange way.

This week I came off the ice and it was truly like I had been time traveling. I went down there, spent 5 months, and on the day I was leaving, the two ends of time came together, stitched themselves shut and disappeared. I sat in two tubes for many hours and the 5 months bend away. Presto chango, I'm back in the world, having never spent the time . . . having no recollection of anything that happened, just knowing I am somehow changed.

Towards the end of the season, days would pass like weeks, they were so full. The end vastly different from the beginning. Day after day would stack up with this kind of intensity. Sleep would pass in seconds. Then one morning I woke up so groggy and wiped, that I actually asked myself where had I gone. I could have sworn I traveled somewhere else during the night -- I was jet lagged and wiser somehow.

There is something about travel that bends time. I think I would do better hiking across to the South Pole, and sailing ships back home. That way my body and my mind could make the transition back and forth slowly and with each other. Sitting in the time travel tube is too bendy.

Tomorrow I will sit and bend back to America -- a whole other reality that will need addressing.

It's exhausting, this.


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