Thursday, February 01, 2007

Upon Aaron

Today I said goodbye to this kid . . . he's 27 . . . and I don't even know when he started coming to the ice. I think he started as a carpenter. Then he worked as a materials person. Then he wintered. Then he came back. And today he left, not thinking he was coming back. He comes from ranchers in South Dakota and his dad has a bad shoulder. He needed to get home for calving season. Holy cow. And it sounds like he and his girlfriend are going back . . . the be ranchers. He's 27. Damn.

When Aaron (Double A-Ron) was a materials person I fell madly in love. He's . . . well . . . gorgeous. Tall, really thin and strong and has the best hair I've ever seen. Curly and thick and black. He's stunning. But then you start talking to him and you realize he's kind and smart and thoughtful and REALLY REALLY funny. He's a treasure and a joy. Damnation. After his winter he got cynical and bitter and wise. Good God damn.

This season, he and his buddies made one of the funniest movies in the world for the SPIFF (South Pole International Film Festival). Aaron plays a bear. I haven't seen this kind of natural physical comedy since Nate was a boy. Brilliant. You can see shining star in this kid. Shining fucking star.

And as I waved and watch Aaron and Susie leave the building I thought of his comments when I was cutting his hair this week. He was sort of bemoaning going back to South Dakota and I said something about family and family is all you've got. And he said but you are my family -- meaning of course the Program folks. And I realized that I loved this kid. I love him. I would travel miles to bail him out of jail. Whatever he needs, whenever, I would give it to him. Because he is my family.

There are a few of these folks . . . people I have met in the Program who I can't believe I have the good fortune to know. Great souls. Ingenious minds. Huge, vibrating hearts. People who KNOW. People who channel grace.

Aaron is one of them.

Good, good bye, young Aaron. May ranching treat you right. May Susie not live up to her reputation and may you continue making fantastically brilliant films . . . where ever you may end up.


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