Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sign Reading

I search for signs. This is how I negotiate with the universe.

Smiling means someone is happy to see you.

Happy laughter indicates enjoyment when in conversation.

You are spiritually where you are supposed to be when the numbers on a clock make a good pattern.

The tulips were pointing down, but now they are revived in their vase, so things must be looking up.

When someone reaches out to touch you, they physically manifest the connection they feel.

A kiss on the mouth at the end of a social engagement indicates romantic interest.

But sometimes none of this is right. Sometimes it really is just 3:33 p.m. Sometimes the tulips just needed a big drink of water to stand back up. Sometimes an awkward friend does feel friendship for someone, and enjoys their company, and kisses them on the mouth, but may not want anything romantic.

Maybe I got so excited for an opportunity to try, that I went head over heals too fast and just got irritating.

Whatever is actually true . . . and in my world view all of it and none of it would be true all at the same time . . . this game feels off again. He was confusing last year. He's confusing this year. I tried to be my confident future self and maybe went a bit too fast. I can learn from that. And, it's not surprising that this mysterious man is mysterious. Mysterious men usually are.

Throttle back.

Sink to coasting.

Turn this around and focus on the Exit Strategy. I've signed up for a free seminar. I've started the journal. Instead of exercising the predator in me . . . I'm going to amuse myself in the art of opening a business. There is a lot to learn and a lot of exciting research to do.

There will be other gorgeous, attractive, interesting men to meet later. And hopefully they throw their signs more clearly.


At 11:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, another good piece!! Cece


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