Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My First Comments

I just received my first comments from a stranger. At least I think she's a stranger. Who is Cece? I know someone named Cece, but can't imagine she would ever have found this blog, or that someone who knows where this blog is would know the Cece I know and send her off to read it. So, I'm making the assumption that Cece is some random reader. Which just brings home that whole "I'm posting this stuff on the web and should realize that total random people can see it" thing. I knew it could happen in theory, but there had never been any evidence until now.

So, Hi, Cece. Thanks for commenting.

Cece was complementary and that was very nice. She posted comments to two of my little bloggy blogs that you can now read below. I just allowed them to be published because, hey, that's what the whole comments feature is about. We can only hope that Cece is a very powerful mover and shaker in that "make Beth famous" kind of way. Or at the very least she has millions of dollars she would love to invest in the Exit Strategy.

But, it seems Cece finds my use of the word fuck "gross and ignorant."

Which just proves the theory that Cece doesn't actually know me . . . because if she did she would know that I swear up a blue streak almost every time I open my mouth, and I'm not, actually, gross nor ignorant. I just happen to live in a culture that not only allows it, but encourages it. People who don't swear up a blue streak don't get taken seriously. Plus, fuck is just a great word to say. It's expressive and gets people's attention when you need it. It communicates severity and intensity. I love the word. I also love God damn motherfucker and cocksucker and even the dreaded "c" word. Cunt is great for getting construction workers to take you seriously. When you need to get a construction worker to take you seriously and to realize you can hold your own right there and then, try using the word cunt without stammering, dropping their gaze or blushing. They'll listen.

So, ok . . . fuck and cocksucker and, well, cunt, especially, aren't going to be words I use at every dinner party I attend, and if I ever get a chance to meet Cece, I will refrain from offending her (I promise, Dear. I'll respect you very much) . . . but like she said . . . this is my blog. I will probably continue to type like I would tell a story. Even my folks who still cringe every once in a while, have gotten use to the language. Just the other day, I was telling my father the story of lighting the fire to chase away the bees -- peppered as it was with my language -- and all it did was make him laugh and laugh.

So, to sum . . . Welcome Cece. I really do mean it when I thank you for commenting. It makes all of this seem kind of real. I hope you enjoy the rest of the posts and if you have a blog, let me know and I'll go read yours. As soon as I can figure out how to add a link . . . I'll direct you to some other ones I really like.


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