Monday, September 11, 2006

Professional Note to Self

Note to self: Leave boring administravia job prior to becoming a control freak cunt bitch from hell.

Surrounding me in my office are older women who have been in service too long. Their self worth is entirely wrapped up in the seemingly meaningless, but hugely important, tiny little work stoppages they control. You want a report run? First they will tell you it isn't in their job description. Then they will spend 5 minutes telling you how complicated it is to do and what a burden you are placing on them. Then they will begrudgingly tell you that they will do it, but it will take a really long time and you will owe them.

What fucking ever.

Or, they will road-block you. Something critical needs to happen right away for the good of the whole? Well, you will have to write a justification and get it signed by a Director. Ok. Got that. Done. Trumped the blockade. Go forward! And you get another email asking why you are hiring this person at midrange when they clearly don't meet the minimum requirements for the position? Instead of reading the fucking justification and just telling me what they WILL sign off on.

Fucking cunt bitch from hell.

Why, exactly would I spend a day writing the justification if I didn't whole heartedly believe she could do the job?

For fuck sake!

No one! No one on Earth has time to be this bitchy and passive aggressive. You won't sign off on the hire? Fine. Tell me what you will sign off on and get out of my way. No more road blocks, Honey. Tell me how to get around you and we'll do it. No one has time for this shit!

Except bitter HR women and secretaries who never met their full potential.

Note to self . . . self actualize.

Take the hard risks that make you WANT to jump in and help. Do the jobs that are rewarding. Surround yourself with people who say "Sure!" and "Yes!" and "I can help." and "We'll all work together and we'll get it done." and "Thank you so much for pitching in."

Avoid the endlessly bitter, angry and controlling people who protect keys, post signs, prevent progress and demand signatures . . . because their lives are so damn small.

Note to self . . .


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