Saturday, July 15, 2006

On my way to the cardboard box

For the past how many years America has been occupying countries we don't belong in. Last week, North Korea tested some missiles. This past week, Israel started bombing the shit out of their neighbors. Then their neighbors started to bomb back. Now everyone is bombing everyone all in the name of . . . what, really? What is this about? Democracy? Religion? That's too easy. Oil? Politics, maybe? National power and identity? Little tiny men who think power comes from ownership and muscle? You know what? Who gives a shit why they are doing this. The fact is they're doing it -- for all their complicated reasons -- and mostly I just think they're stupid. What I want to do is just turn my back on the whole mess. Walk away from all their stupid dick-swinging and bomb throwing and close the door behind me. Fuck off, little men. Bomb your neighbors and preach and steal and build governments and overthrow them. Do your worst. I'll be over here, curling invisible in my cardboard box . . . off the grid with a windmill, some vegetables growing out back, and a sign that says, "KEEP OUT. I'M NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR PETTY STUPID BULLSHIT."

Didn't we invent language so we could learn how not to behave this way? Didn't we start writing and thinking and painting and singing and communicating so we could live next to people we don't necessarily agree with? Peacefully? Helping everyone get along? Didn't we watch Sesame Street to learn how to share?

Fuck your nationalist man honor and grow a real set of balls, you destructive freaks.

For fuck sake.

I really wish that somewhere in the world there was a small plot of land, surrounded by happy fairies and lollipop trees, where I could grow a vegetable or two -- and live in my cardboard box.
I just hope it's near a library.


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