The End
You know . . . I think Putting It Out There might be done now.
Putting It Out There is the beginning . . . of me putting it out there. Nothing gets done in the basement, alone. In order to create we must actually create. So, here's to putting it out there.
1. Stay put and let the world change around me.
This is an email I got today. My dearest friend had this dream for us. I love the ending . . . with the Bats of Change yerning to breathe free!
My respect for NPR grew today.
My friend and I went to dinner this weekend. We talked about what it is to look for a next step. She doesn't crave a career and values having flexibility and freedom. Working isn't the definition of her so she doesn't crave next and new and challenging and such. She's doing that in other areas of her life. She just needs the money coming in.
I just went in to edit something in my profile, and it listed my date of birth as 3/10/1756. Shows that I'm 252 years old.
This week I have been having the most vivid and twisty turny dreams. None have made themselves very clear. But the one that echoes in my head is one that ended in a snap, after a man that was sort of shaped like Will Farrell was holding something and declaired "I need a moth." Snap. I was awake.
The other month I was hanging with my mom and my auntie and something my auntie said stuck with me. She sort of suddenly turned to us and quoted some thing she had seen that day. I can't remember the little phrase, but it basically implied something like, won't it be so wonderful to die and be in heaven? My mom nodded her head and sighed. Yes. And the way she said it . . . she was so completely convinced by it's truth . . . it made me realize something about my auntie's faith. She honestly and truly, down to her very core, believes there is a Heaven run by her God, and that this God is waiting for her somewhere else. And, (the most important bit), that He is saving up all the bliss and happiness and will give it to her there.